Ste-Emilie Skillshare | Community Arts Collective

:: Winter survival workshop schedule 2009 ::

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The Workshops:
Nov 7 – Intro to photoshop
Nov 8 – Basic silkscreening
Nov 14 – Open studio

Nov 21 – Graffiti
Nov 22 – Basic silkscreening
Nov 28 – Bootydancing 101: Intro. to Fabulousity

Dec 5 – Vermicomposting

Dec 6 – Basic silkscreening
Dec 12 – T-shirts into underwear
Dec 19 – super advanced and awesome silkscreen boot-camp for champions and heroes alike

Dec 20 – Basic silkscreening
Dec 26 – Edible art

Who we are:

The Ste. Emilie SkillShare is a group of artists and activists,
primarily people of colour and queer people, committed to promoting artistic expression and self-representation in our communities. We are
building and running an art studio for people to learn new skills,
share their skills, and create art in the spirit of revolution and
anti-oppression (anti-racism/sexism/classism/ homophobia/ transphobia/ableism/sizeism/etc). Long live skill-sharing!

The Workshop Lowdown:

-> Each workshop listed has a suggested donation amount. We love
donations! And really need them to keep emilie running. We have a pay
what you can system and no one will be turned away.
-> Some workshops have a maximum # of participants, please try to RSVP!
-> All workshops will begin at 1pm (unless otherwise noted).
-> All workshops are given in english unless stated otherwise.


a note on BASIC SILKSCREENING workshops

These workshops are essential if you would like to use the Ste-Emilie silkscreen studio. You will learn all the basics pertaining to using the studio including preparing the image, preparing the screen, printing onto a variety of materials, cleaning afterwards and how to do this all safely.

Max. number of participants: 6
Suggested donation: $10-20

–>Nov 7 – Intro to photoshop
come and learn the basics tricks and tips to getting started with photoshop!
bring yer laptop if you have it (with photoshop even better) but if not we will try and provide you with the equipment/programming.

Max. number of participants: 8
Suggested donation: $5-10

–>Nov 21 – Graffiti
We will be learning the basics of graffiti including technique with the can, basic drawing and proper attire.

More info coming soon!

–>Nov 28 – Bootydancing 101: Intro. to Fabulousity

Bootydancing 101: Intro. to Fabulousity
Facilitator: Reyrey

With Reyrey’s instruction and support, the first section will be craft time for participants to create individualized and unique costume pieces to emphasize various elements of body or movement that expresses their specific interests and style. This can include: pasties for chests and/or boobies, booty bustles, tu-tu’s, and props like: ribbon dancers, feather boas, fans, whips, body painting, or whatever makes you feel fabulous!
Once we are dressed to distress, dancing class begins, which will include: a revue of various booty-droppin’, soul-shakin’, hip-gyratin’ moves instructed by Reyrey and practiced as a group. The final section will be a fierce show-off and vogue-off of all moves learned to conduct an improv. dance party and shake-down at the end until we collapse in a pool of our own glittery sweat!!

*Note: Dress to dance comfortably, bring water, and bring any materials or costuming that you are inspired by.

$5-10 suggested donation.

–>Dec 5 – Vermicomposting
Vermicompost, is composting utilizing various species of worms, specifically red wigglers, white worms, and earthworms creating the heterogeneous mixture of decomposing vegetable or food waste, bedding materials, and pure vermicast produced during the course of normal vermiculture operations. Vermicast, similarly known as worm castings, worm humus or worm manure, is the end-product of the breakdown of organic matter by the species of earthworm. It’s a great way to decrease on garbage output as well as being really fertile dirt for plants and gardens.
Each participant will leave the workshop with a compost box complete with hungry hungry worms.

Max. number of participants: 5
Suggested donation $10-20

–>Dec 12 – T-shirts into underwear
Bring in your old/new/fav t-shirt and make it into your new most prized unmentionable/

More info coming soon!

–>Dec 19 – :: super advanced and awesome silkscreen boot-camp for champions and heroes alike ::

Do you already know the basics but but still find your prints don’t look the way you want?
Are you constantly finding fingerprints, random blobs of ink or bleeds?
The first part of this workshop is tips and tricks to ease the frustration of basic printing, and to improve your consistency for doing additions.
But what if you’re already an advanced awesome silkscreen champion/hero???…
…How about adding some new techniques to your repertoire!!!!
**color blends and merging
**ink tints and transparencies
**high gloss over coats!
**paper registration for multiple editions
**thinking outside acetates
**cheap DIY inks

Max. number of participants: 6
Suggested donation $10-20

–>Dec 26 – Edible art
Spin art, geodesic pies, frosting portraiture, glow in the dark pasta and more.