AGM Reportback
We all at Ste-Émilie Skillshare are happy to state: the first annual general meeting was a great success! Thank you to all who attended, who have supported the skillshare over the years, and who made this possible. We couldn’t have done it without you.
At the general meeting, we adopted a fresh and official constitution, gave updates on finances, outlined some planned activity, and elected a new board of directors. We’d like to welcome to the board Tasha, Marc, Marie, Frankie, Parneet, and Sasha. If you are interested in seeing the updated constitution, it can be viewed on this website. There is a link on the sidebar, to both an english and french version.
With the AGM behind us, we are now looking to the future of the skillshare. Some brief updates include:
After a hiatus of open studios (due to tragic pipe ruptures), we are now happy to announce its continuation. Open studio will resume as normal after this weekend: come in and get artsy Saturdays 1-6PM. We will be closed for the Anarchist Bookfair this Saturday, May 25. Feel free to come stop by our table both Saturday and Sunday, 10-5. We will be located in the Centre culturel Georges-Vanier at 2450 Rue Workman.
For more information on the bookfair, check out their website here:
We are also planning fun events for the future! Be sure to check up through our mailing list, or on our facebook page. Some highlights include: workshops! Celebrate People’s History gallery showing! Gallery Residency!
<3 Ste Emilie Skillshare